2010 Winter Olympics Celebration!
Have you been watching the 2010 Winter Olympics? Well you either missed it or enjoyed the roller coaster with the rest of us (Canadians) because today marks the grand finale of the games. And how grand it was!
TODAY was the most amazing day for Canada that I've ever experienced first hand. In my experience, Canada doesn't really get the opportunity to celebrate as a country very often but tonight was different. Let's just say, I'm pretty pumped about being Canadian right now. My friends and I took part in a huge celebration in the streets; we even got 2 seconds on the 10 O'clock news. The evening was not planned nor was our flash on the TV screen, it was more like a hilarious surprise that I just happened to catch on video. The 2010 Winter Olympics has come to an end and CANADA EARNED 14 GOLD MEDALS! The most golds for a host country out of all the winter games, ever! I'm extremely proud of the athletes and all the Canadians that came together for them. Luckily, I managed to capture the festivities in the streets of Windsor in this video. Enjoy it, don't mind the shaky hand, and check out our short clip on the news at the end (it's pretty funny).
Have a great week!