Let's Shoot Outside | Photography.
I will start this post by once again reiterating how much I loved every moment of my 8 hour day shooting at our recent Smile with ♥ for Haiti Fundraiser. It was an amazing event and I hope the team and I can get together to do it or something similar again soon!
I'm writing this post because although I have a lot to learn about shooting in a studio, my experience on the weekend helped me realize the type of photographer I want to be. I do have a desire to learn more about the techniques necessary to shoot in a studio, but I can't help but feel drawn to being outdoors and shooting predominately in natural light.
Granted, most people can't stand the cold and to be honest it's not my cup of tea either! It also doesn't help that I am based out of Toronto in Canada where winter can take 6 months and more of the year. I do acknowledge these facts, but I feel strongly about shooting outdoors for relaxed and totally natural portraiture. I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to be myself in front of bright lights in a setting unnatural to me.
I have a new found respect for fashion photographers, models, and others that choose to work in the studio more often than not. It's hard! But because a studio allows complete control of your surroundings I'm still interested in learning more despite my preferences. So I'll conclude this portion by saying, I've got lots to learn about working indoors and outdoors and I'm pretty excited about it!
You may not know this, but I spend a lot of time studying. Yes, I am in grad school, but I'm not talking about my academic work. I study the work of other photographers because they provide loads of inspiration. With the permission of three fantastic photographers: Rebekah Westover, Anda Marie, and Kayleen T I have some examples of amazingly inspiring winter-y portraits. When I see amazing photographers like these ladies doing their thing despite the weather, I know that it's possible and that I'm not crazy! Check them out and click on the picture to visit their blogs!

Didn't these photos take you to another place? Well they definitely did that for me.
Take note, cold weather doesn't have to stop you from looking and feeling your best and getting fantastic photos of you and your honey, your family, or YOU. Think about the possibilities! If you're interested in a winter-y shoot my friends, I promise I'll supply hot chocolate and a warm blanket. Remember the memories are irreplaceable!
You are simply awesome! Thanks for the shout-out and good luck with any future winter/snowy sessions! They are cold, but so so worth it. My advice? Hand warmers in your pockets for in between shots :)